SpeakersChristophers Chambers, Professor of Cognitive Neurosciences, Cardiff University, UK The principal research interests of Chris Chambers include the use of brain stimulation (TMS, TES) and brain imaging techniques (fMRI, MRS, MEG) to understand cognitive control, attention and awareness in the human brain. He is especially interested in translational applications of cognitive neuroscience in the domain of obesity and behaviour change. His group is also working on the simultaneous combination of TMS and MRI, as well as technical advances in TMS methods to improve the precision and reliability of cortical stimulation.
Eva Giesen, Research Director, Inserm Quality Network, Paris, France
Eva Giesen is a Research Professor (Directrice de Recherche) at the Directorate General of the National Institute of Medical Research and Health (INSERM) in Paris, France. She has a typical curriculum : thesis, responsible of team, Unit, Department, Division of research. After having spent 15 years in pharmaceutical industry, she joined the Inserm, then worked three years at the IRD (Institute of Research for developing Countries. Always been interested in organisation and management of structures, (Master of Business Administration, Sciences Po-Paris), her practice and her convictions quickly led her to transversal and quality Management where she developed the concept of Ethical and Efficient Research Management. Website : http://extranet.inserm.fr/demarche-qualite/reseau-inserm-qualite
Hervé Maisonneuve, Associate Professor, Public Health, Paris-Sud 11 School of Medicine, Paris, France Hervé Maisonneuve, doctor in medicine from the University of Lyon (1979), a graduate of the advanced certificate in business, CPA/HEC, Paris (1994), was an associate Professor involved in public health (University of Paris). He practiced medicine for 10 years in hospitals of Lyon (1975-1985) and was responsible of clinical development programs in the pharmaceutical industry (1988-1992). From 1993 to 1999 he was deputy director of the national agency of accreditation and evaluation in health assessment (ANAES, Paris). From 2000, to 2004, he was editor of a Web site for surgeons practicing laparoscopy (Strasbourg), and then director of the continuing medical education of Pfizer France (2005-2009). He has always been involved with biomedical journals, being former president of the European Association of Science Editors (1994-1997), and chief editor of European Science Editing (2000-2006). He has written or co-written several books in the field of writing, and was a member of journals’ editorial boards. He is the editor of www.redactionmedicale.fr
Website : http://www.redactionmedicale.typepad.com/
Case Report: After a dual Medicine/MSc degree at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, I received a PhD in Neurophysiology and Clinical and Experimental Epileptology from University College London. I currently work as a post-doctoral fellow in the Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre, Brain Dynamics and Cognition Team